You can't lie

When my two daughters were young, my wife and I wanted them to grow up to be honest and trustworthy. So, it was something that we instilled into them from a young age.

When they were young, if I bought them a sweet treat when we went to the shops, I would always say to them, "you don't have to tell your mother that I bought you a treat, but if she asks you, you can't lie, you have to tell the truth". As a result, I can not recall any occasion when they have lied or not told the truth. They are both as honest as they come and can always be trusted to tell the truth.

This week, my youngest daughter had to own up to a situation at her work. She had known that another worker had done wrong and that she could be implicated if the truth didn't come out. But she also understood that telling the truth could get her co-worker in trouble. She wrestled with her conscience about whether she should tell her boss, and it played on her mind.

When she went to work today, she explained the situation to her boss, and her boss thanked her for being honest and upfront about it. My daughter felt a sense of relief and a weight coming off her shoulders.

It may not have been the easiest thing for my daughter to do, but it was the right thing to do. I am very proud of her.
Honesty. Always hard, always the right thing to do.
2021-07-23 06:48:17