This writing gig

I have a friend who is an artist, and he can create the most realistic and beautiful watercolour paintings of cars. This is not his full-time job, just a hobby he does. As he develops a piece of his artwork, he will publish progress photos on social media. You can watch the artworks grow from the original sketch through to the completed, colourful painting. I admire his skill and ability to make unique and beautiful artwork and then be willing to share it with others.

I have another friend who is a journalist. She recently returned to university to complete her journalistic studies. I have watched over recent years how she has built her journalism skills and expressed a passion for the communities she writes with. She has been successful in book collaborations and writes and sub-edits with a local newspaper. It is not a lucrative existence, but she exudes passion when she writes.

I admire both of these friends for the skills and dedication they have committed to their passion. It may start with some natural talent, but the passion for their work ensures this natural talent is expressed and shared with others. Even without the riches, it must be the intrinsic satisfaction they receive that sustains them.

It is these examples of following your passion that has inspired me to write. Unfortunately, I don't have any talent to paint, and I may not have any talent to write, but I give this writing gig my best shot.