The waiting game

We all felt a little deflated after the Premier failed to present a roadmap for exit from lockdown today. Unfortunately, the number of COVID-19 cases is not reducing fast enough for the State Government to ease restrictions in the foreseeable future. It now looks like we won't get any lockdown relief until mid or late October, and then it will only be minor, with some businesses not able to return to some form of ordinary until late November.

I am fortunate that COVID-19 has not overly impacted my family. I would suggest we have been inconvenienced rather than impacted. Nothing of significance will change for us in the next eight weeks until we get the double dose vaccination rate to seventy per cent. We are safe and comfortable, working from home, and that will continue. We will just need to sit it out. 

The State Government has adopted a vaccination strategy, and they are not going to be rushed, and the medical advice and data will guide them. However, this is our second spring in lockdown, and I suspect the locals are getting a little restless. I know it's a waiting game, but I'm feeling a little tired of this lockdown.