
This year my oldest daughter turned 27 years of age. I can't believe how quick the years have gone since she came home from the hospital. I remember those first days so clearly, checking on her often as she slept to make sure she was okay. She depended on our care as a newborn, and I had an overwhelming sense of responsibility to protect her.

We rode the bumps with her throughout her growing years, sometimes stepping in, but often standing back to encourage her to solve her own problems. As she grew, she became more resilient, and if she grew sad, we would always be there to comfort her. These experiences taught her to face her fears, find solutions, and be compassionate to herself and others. But most of all, we were there if she needed us, and we would always be there with a hug.

The resilience she learned as a child is now standing her in good stead as an adult. She has a high capacity to adapt to challenges and to bounce back from hardship and difficulties. The way she is handling lockdown is an excellent demonstration of this resilience.

One thing that doesn't change over the years is your need to protect your children. You never relinquish that role, regardless of their age.