First-world problem

Working from home can be costly. I just received our gas bill for August and September, and it was almost $850.00. That's a 50 per cent increase on previous years, all to keep my house warm over the winter months. Once I add in a 25 per cent increase in the electricity bill and a 60 per cent increase in water usage, the last eighteen months of working from home have been quite expensive.

The fortunate thing is that our family budget can easily afford to cover the extra costs. I am bitching about it, but it is a first-world problem for me. Even though I have to pay more, I get to work from home in a warm and safe environment. And my wife and I will get to claim the extra cost as a deduction for our tax return next year.

Almost 17 per cent of households in Australia have struggled to pay their bills in the past year. With the increasing costs imposed on families by COVID-19, increases in unemployment, and the lack of any wage growth, many more families will struggle in the year ahead to pay their bills.

Over the past eighteen months, my family has been fortunate to maintain our jobs, income, and our high standard of living. Sure we have been inconvenienced by an extended lockdown, but any complaints can be filed straight into the "first-world problem" basket.

Unfortunately, there are many more families and individuals who will be a lot worse off than me.