
In what might be a vain attempt to control my weight and improve my overall health, I have added another activity to my daily routine. Intermittent 16/8 fasting involves the consumption of foods and beverages for a set window of eight hours per day and then abstaining from food for the remaining 16 hours.

Like many people who try this fasting, my window for consuming food is between midday and 8.00 pm. Using these times means most of my fasting is completed overnight and in the mornings, allowing me to enjoy a substantial lunch and dinner. Even though there are no real restrictions on the types or amounts of food you can eat during the 8-hour window, I think I will need to focus on healthy eating and eliminate junk food.

Studies have shown that eating for a set period of the day helps you consume fewer calories, and thus, it can help you lose weight. In addition, animals studies have shown that intermittent fasting may help animals live longer, though these studies are less conclusive for humans.

One week in, and I am doing fine. I get a little hungry in the late morning but don't find it too hard to wait until lunchtime. So I will persist, and I think this will be another one of the daily habits that I hope will stick.