
  • There is the writing habit aspect of this site (or, I suppose, sites like this) and then there is the community aspect. I'm writing now for the latter. I'm still too wounded, too busy, too hungry for the basics to be worried about a growth need like self-actualization. But belonging, esteem, and cognitive needs remain on the dais of the injured.
  • Greed is the blood-stained crimson-red flag.
  • My eyesight is failing rapidly at the very moment I've lost my vision plan. This just means I have to spend some of these precious mental cycles weighing the cost/benefit of getting a professional analysis of the problem versus just dealing with it myself for a bit longer. This morning I pushed my monitor another inch away from my keyboard. It's that or take off my glasses and sit closer to it. Which is what I did earlier this morning.
  • I have to develop an emotional strategy for the amount of raw rejection I'm to experience in the next months. Cognitively I'm fine, but below the surface, it leaves me exhausted. 
  • I've not been able to ride my bike much in the last week and a half, which is one of the few things keeping me sane. 
  • I've been able to throw some stuff up on the blog, but otherwise the same applies to writing.
  • I'm torn between giving myself some time to rest -- I feel like I'm still catching up on sleep from 2014 -- and stoically marching forward. My to-do list does not care about sleep, apparently.
2021-10-31 14:05:26