Dad's taxi

I thought I might have finished my duties as "Dad's taxi" once my youngest daughter got her driver's licence. But this seems not to be the case.

I was more than happy to drive the girls anywhere they needed to go when growing up. As little tackers, I was there to drop them off or pick them up when they needed to get to their weekly sporting activities. It was the thing that dads did, chauffeuring their kids wherever they needed to go. 

Now that my youngest is in her early twenties, she is more independent with her own car. However, there is still the odd occasion where she still relies on her dad to get her around. As she must have an alcohol limit of 0%, she can't go out with friends, have a few drinks and then drives home. So it's at this time, a request to her dad for a drop off at her friend's house or a bar is in order. And I am not going to ignore her request late at night to be picked up if a taxi or rideshare is a bit hard to get.

I guess you never stop being a parent, just because your kids grow up. I wouldn't have it any other way.