Louie's with his pack

Louie the Groodle is off on another holiday today. We need to move out of the house for the week while the builders finish the renovations, so Louie will be staying with my wife's brother for the week.

My brother in law has a dog, and Louie gets along very well with Stella. They are like cousins. Both dogs constantly jump on top of each other and run all day. Then, when they have run out of steam and collapsed on the ground, they are like two prizefighters and lift themselves off the canvas for one last swing. They get tired, but they keep punching.

This evening, I received a photo of Louie relaxing on the couch at his new digs. He looked right at home and didn't seem to be missing us at all. Louie doesn't like being left alone, so he gets pretty relaxed if he has some company. Stella will be good company for him while he is away.

We would prefer not to send Louie to a kennel. And though he gets well cared for, he doesn't get the comfort he enjoys with his pack. So having a familiar place for him to stay is also comforting for us.