Health check

Though mortality is not at the forefront of my mind, looking after myself and taking every step to stay healthy is essential.

Every five years after you turn fifty, the government sends you a bowel screening test. They ask that you grab a few pooh samples, pop them in the post, and they will test them. Most people find the test a little gross, and not everyone likes scooping a sample out of the toilet and putting it in a bag. However, it is a necessary test that could save my life if it detects the early signs of bowel cancer.

Last year, my bowel screening test came back with some abnormalities, a sign that there might be an issue. The doctor said the chance of it being bowel cancer is low, but a colonoscopy would confirm any diagnosis. A colonoscopy is a quick and painless procedure that allows for the complete examination of the entire inner lining of your bowel. Polyps can be detected and removed before they develop into bowel cancer, and bowel cancer, if present, can be diagnosed.

The doctor removed two polyps, and no cancer was detected. I was relieved to get a good outcome, and he said I didn't need another check for four years. So, make sure you follow up on those essential health checks with your doctor.