Back trouble

I have been sitting too long with a poor posture at my desk, feeling a little uncomfortable. The discomfort is under my ribs and lower back and clearly indicates I have to do something about it.

I have a bit of history with back troubles. Over the past fifteen years, I have suffered from a bulging disc, one of the most painful injuries I have ever experienced. When it first occurred, I couldn’t move due to the back spasms and ended up in the hospital on morphine to reduce its acuity.

Subsequently, I have used a standing desk and focused on my sitting posture to ensure that I get no recurrence of the injury. The current discomfort I feel is a sign that I need to be careful and prevent it from flaring again. Exercise has been beneficial to build my core strength, and it appears to help keep the back injury at bay.

It has been a few years now since I have had an acute incident, but the memory of the excruciating pain in my back still traumatises me. I wouldn’t wish that level of pain on anyone.

Time to go back to standing at my desk and moving around a lot more. I should be fine.