
beauty as reply to A walk in my hometown.

Abraham Kim
birds guns war birdsong claustrophobic parents Berlin espresso World War I industrialization
I thought of  World War I . When young men were scorched in trenches at the hand of industrialization 's first war. The  birds chirped and sung alongside the machine guns and artillery blasts. They could be heard during the quiet times.

But for a 19 year old volunteer who grew...

PO Box 915
in the center as reply to Uncertain about her role

Abraham Kim
cigarette fiction coffee urban claustrophobic white glove Rolls-Royce Prius
Outside a service access backdoor stood Justine holding a cigarette , her upper back leaned against the brick wall. All felt calm, honking and engines floated peacefully, muffled through the large alleyway between the Historic Center and the National Hotel.

The ordinary urban alley had a bad association. With trash inappropriately...