
idling as reply to Chill

Abraham Kim
cortisol deadline coffee caffeine Work lunch boring Twitter Netflix
Hector watched the cortisol infused rats scuttling around.

People had places to be. And they had to have been there ten minutes ago. deadline s were past due. And the  coffee was no longer hitting. Though they still needed the coffee. That was not up for discussion. Even when the  caffeine...

caught at the cafe as reply to The Cafe

Abraham Kim
laptop Macbook Pro Apple Google Zoom cafe friends Work newspaper coffee people watch computer science web development
The young man in the hoodie pounded his laptop . He still had an older model Macbook Pro , the ones with the graceful yet sturdy keyboards. One could get a lot usage out of those keys, and the guy in the hoodie had.

In college he had imagined himself becoming...

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Vienna Wacken Open Air cigar potatoes streaks steps concert Amaranthe Beyond The Black Gandalf The Shire cigarillos pipe snooze Work co-worker hot shower chicken broccoli hike
Another day is over, and I'm looking forward to a concert tomorrow in Vienna . Although I've seen both bands ( Amaranthe and Beyond The Black ) at least two times now, I always saw them as a pre-band or at the Wacken Open Air and never as a headliner...