
figure out next steps as reply to Time for this

Abraham Kim
airtag Westcity coffee cappuccino
He didn't have time for this. More than time, he didn't have the mind. A coffee. He needed a damn coffee. The first one from earlier in the morning had worn off. This he could feel now that the andrenaline of McKayla's accident had worn off.

Max said a sort of...

imogen must follow as reply to Seaside Rest

Abraham Kim
gun Imogen Howe Seaside Rest Subaru airtag
Her hand still held the  gun but she felt a calm. her fingers were relaxed. Strange.

Her mind though was racing. What the hell did Keith mean.  Imogen Howe worried that she may never see him again. Who was that man. This Baka. That brute. She had never imagined Keith hanging...