
For the past two years, I have been fighting what I consider the good fight at work, brought in as an agent for change where change was desperately needed. And the good fight has produced some great results, including a team of highly functioning professionals, who deliver on what they promise.

I want to think that my success in building a great team of people has been my approach of empowering people, being empathetic, listening to their needs, and when required, making the right decisions. After all, leading a team is not rocket science, but it does require clarity, decisiveness, courage, and humility.

What I aspire to be as a leader, is also what I look for in my leaders. And this is where I get caught up in the emotion of it all. My leaders have continuously let me down. It is the aspect of my current position that I have found the most disheartening and disappointing. 

As a result, there is an uncomfortable feeling of change in me. That sense that as hard as I might try, the lack of leadership is not going to change in the foreseeable future. It is sitting uneasily with me, and I am yet to have an epiphany on how I might manage it.