You can be wrong half the time and still make a fortune

I wrote a couple of days ago about how nothing is given. The other side to that, that Morgan Housel expounded on in chapter 6 of his book the Psychology of Money is that...
You can be wrong half the time and still make a fortune
I'll probably touch more on this later, but I love the fact that you don't have to be awesome every day.

Morgan Housel explained that carefully.

The thrust of Atomic Habits by James Clear is small incremental habits. 

You don't have to be awesome. 

Just show up every day and don't die. You'll be fine.

Haters will call this 1090980 words article a tweet. But I'm fine with that ;)
"You don't have to be awesome. Just show up every day and don't die. You'll be fine." - love this mantra! Take the pressure right off
2021-03-03 08:32:34

Tails / Iteration / Shots on Goal Drives everything