3 posts 898 words
started 2021-01-21 01:32:51
CohortCode -- is the experiment I'll run in 2021
Structured Data
I remember learning about objects as I trudged through programming lessons. Most people try to explain how they're like real-life objects. Examples included a person, a bike or a house. The house was used often when trying to explain the term "classes" - because they're "kinda like blueprints".

Of course, when...
Boxes used in software.
In code, eventually you get to a place where you need to move data around. To do that, you need to organize. Think about how important "moving boxes" are when you're leaving one residence for another. Yeah, you can't just have clothes and silverware thrown into the truck randomly -...
An API is pre-written code.
You can read about APIs and not understand them. This is especially true if you don't use them and don't program. Even knowing the term API does little for you. It's the equivalent of knowing CIA. You can understand the words, but you don't really know how it works.

If I...