
I continue to use the bus. At first I was frustrated at not understanding what and where to go. But the drivers are very helpful. I must admit, google and Uber both make it very easy to track the routes and times. 

The first day, I had to go to different bus stopes before I realized how to identify where I should be. In DC, it is pretty frequent and right in front of the WeWork I go to. At my destination, there is a 10 minute walk involved. I walk about 10K steps a day for my health so I don't mind the walk. I am worried about the winter though. If it gets too cold, this short walk may be tough. 

Another thing that happened is that my sugar drops during the walks. Since I have had to walk quickly or at an altitude to catch a bus, my sugars drop. I always have something with me for that emergency so it is manageable. But it is a new variable for me to keep in mind. 

Overall, I am enjoying this low cost mode of transportation. I use the opportunity to listen to my books along the way. Life is good.