The Lake

There was two geese, then four ducks and like fifty fish. They all rushed towards him he was in control he had the bread. He imagined those guys that kill other people must feel like this as he ripped a small piece of bread and threw it into the water, watching the flurry of feathers and water that resulted. He tore another piece and threw it a ways a way. Laughing to himself as they flocked over there too. Some stuck in the middle not knowing what to do. Out of no where a kid showed up and shoveled a whole loaf of bread, shouting and laughing hahaha they just go where ever I throw it. Stupid fish stupid ducks stupid geese. The man was annoyed what does this kid know about anything. Thats not how you do this. You have to savor each time, respect them, they are in your control. The kid laughed look look hahaha. The man's anger grew. He couldn't find any time in his life where he acted like that kid. So much uncaring. He hated him. He stood there quietly, a few fish stayed near him, he thought these ones know whats really going on, and he gave a piece to each of them. He hated that something he loved was used by other people. Especially people like that kid. Then he just looked out on the lake and tossed his remaining bread. Then he went home like normal. The next the day he came back, and the next day after that, and the next day.