Drew @drewbaca_

Drew last shared their writing Or Something
When Keith woke up he was still driving there was music playing. And a lag from when opened his eyes and when he became conscious of all the sounds.Β 

"Baby I like your style.." Played from the speakers. It was louder than it should be, and dave didn't look like...
Drew's Pantry
🍡 50 Teas
πŸͺ 70 Cookies
πŸ§‡ 68 Waffles
🍍 61 Pineapples
πŸ₯ƒ 64 Whiskeys
🍫 70 Chocolate Bars
🍣 69 Sushis
β˜•οΈ 68 Coffees
πŸ₯“ 68 Bacons
🍺 61 Beers
πŸ₯Ÿ 77 Dumplings
🍊 74 Tangerines
πŸ₯š 69 Eggs
πŸ“ 60 Strawberries
πŸ₯© 52 Steaks
Short Stories

Or Something as reply to keith vows never to return

When Keith woke up he was still driving there was music playing. And a lag from when opened his eyes and when he became conscious of all the sounds.Β 

"Baby I like your style.." Played from the speakers. It was louder than it should be, and dave didn't look like...
2024-07-26 06:33:37

The Routine as reply to do you want to come back with me?

Keith always felt himself pulled back to where he left. Like a rubber band he was directed where to go. Didn't need a GPS or apple maps. Although he kept them on his phone to seem normal.

He drove around now all day. On this street and that, to that part...
2024-07-25 22:46:48

Is that You? as reply to jack and imogen's distance grows

They became like two boats passing in the night. Thats what Jack wrote now, he liked that. Thought it was good. When he got up from the desk it was time to brush his teeth and get ready to go outside. He cought sight of himself, he was older, and...
2024-07-24 21:37:08

Hours as reply to new amenities

Jack stayed in the room every morning. Liked to just lay there, waiting forΒ  Imogen Howe to get bored enough and go away. He didn't care where. Just liked that feeling of being alone. Didn't have to pretend to anyone.

After he was alone he'd get ready take a shower, then...
2024-07-23 22:21:29

Like This as reply to finally getting in

Keith had dreams of the beach. It was an open one, a little busy but everyone else was far away. He sat in the sand and looked out in the water. A plastic bag rolled by like a tumble weed. Most of the dream was that, he just remembers the...
2024-07-22 21:41:32

Watching as reply to wondering

One thing Jack could do was wait. WhenΒ  Imogen Howe left the room for her morning walk he didn't mind. He had all the time he needed. All the time in the world. And he used it to his full advantage. He'd check the pamphlets down in the lobby. Then...
2024-07-21 22:08:55

The real Keith as reply to far away. up there.

Imogen Howe was clueless to all of this, and she still at any free moment would give Keith a call.Β 

At first she started leaving just texts. Then it grew into calls. But now it was full on voicemails.

Long messages, that she would walk Keith through her whole day, just...
2024-07-20 21:50:54

Said a Word as reply to coffee flavored water

"Look, these are the facts Keith." A robotic voice continued.

"She was trying to get close to you."

"But for what?" Keith said. "I know nothing. Like nothing, I don't know what kind of ship it was, I don't even know where you got your coffee from."

"We think." The voice said, and...
2024-07-19 21:50:10

Accent as reply to back at the double tree

ToΒ  Imogen Howe Β  the charade had grown tiring. Her British accent had faded and now she even tried to pronounce some words with hard a like aunt or pants. Jack hated this, it was something similar to having a friend call their parents on a sleep over. A betrayal.Β 

2024-07-18 14:11:40

Come on Fam as reply to pulse of jack

"Thats just what happens when your out here, you get Murked." BAKA screamed at a man on the ground his face a was bloodied he had no pulse Dave checked.Β 

"Heres the ting fam Dey don't how lucky they got it. Now that guy will tell his friend. BAKAS out...
2024-07-17 20:41:35