New Location

I spent time thinking of how I can continue to go to WeWork without it killing me financially. Commuting and parking are ridiculous. And it seems like the WeWork model is specifically to be in the cities where those expenses are high. 

I spent time looking at where I could go that would optimize my restrictions. Since I got all access pass, I could experiment with different locations. I saw that there were two locations in my state. One was near a University so I figured it would be crowded by students. The next one was a nice area with I am sure expensive parking. But I saw that the bus route to that location was fast and frequent. 

So this week, I tried that location. It is a new WeWork office so things look very fancy. The place looks secure. And the bus commute is also good. Since I have a monthly pass for Nov, I can use it to test out this location. 

The journey continues...