
I am currently reading another fiction book. The story is about 4 people living complex and different lives. 

Since I have officially starting running out of books written by my favorite authors, I have started to read new authors. The new book seems to be telling the story from the perspective of the 4 people that have different occupations, race, gender and class. It has so much detail that I wonder how much research went into creating such a realistic book. 

While I marvel at what the author is doing with the characters, I find myself paying attention to the tone of the 4 people. The woman is mostly quiet and soft spoken while the man is very angry and violent. Even the way the author describes their thoughts makes you feel like the story is an autobiography by the 4 people. 

There was one sentence that grabbed my attention yesterday. I have been thinking about it and want to do something with it. Not sure yet what it is. 

“Anger, it turns out, is a renewable source of fuel.”
― Jodi Picoult, Small Great Things.