Fighting Entropy

Every morning when I wake up, I am slightly different than the one who went to bed the night before. The changes are subtle, so subtle that they go unnoticed. The changes in the mind are more prominent but harder to notice. The body will reveal its transformations because of the sensory field, pain, etc. There's no sensory field of the mind - a mechanism that will report changes in ideas or keep count of concepts and relations. To a large extent, it is a black box that produces a sense of identity and a worldview and has likes and dislikes, desires, and fears. It fascinates me how much the motivations of a human mind spark from the irrefutable state of embodiment. The mind can reach out to cosmic ideas, ponder the universe, aspire to sublime beauty, and still be brought to be fearful of hunger, thirst, and death.

It is an interesting state of affairs being alive in this universe. Everything is doomed sooner or later. The time scale we operate in is, let's say, 100 years. We then die. Some genes will be perpetuated, and life will continue. Some others will not. It is a process of pruning, readjusting, and rebuilding. That pertains to our bodies; however, the mind also perpetuates its 'knowledge' into the human knowledge pool. It is a means of achieving immortality for us humans. But even that term is not appropriate. We do die, but bits and pieces of our lived experience, ideas, and concepts might continue to live on in different minds or merge with other forms of knowledge.