Joining meetings

When I joined the weekly director call this morning, there was only one other director on. One director is out sick today courtesy of Everyone's Favorite Virus™️. It was one minute before the meeting start time, and he remarked that people used to sign on five minutes early, but now they wait until the last minute or join late. 

I said the people who join meetings early are the ones who have nothing else better to do. They probably have one meeting a day, so they can't wait to go to that meeting to break up their boring day. Then you have people with calendars booked solid with back-to-back meetings. They are the ones showing up right on time or late. I've been in both camps, and happy to report that I have very few meetings nowadays.

I also mentioned that if you join a meeting early, there's a greater chance you will be thrust into inane small talk with strangers. As an introvert, that's the last thing I want. So my sweet spot for joining meetings is one minute before but no later than exactly on time. After all, M.E.A.T.Y. meetings should start on time.