AI - 2

I have been using an AI tool to help a friend with his website copy. I found it very helpful at first since there is no reason to start anything from scratch. Everything has been done before and using what exists as starting point makes sense. 

It took me 45 minutes to work on a tagline. That was longer than I expected. One issue is that the AI tool needs to be talked to like a toddler. In very specific ways to get a result that makes sense. There were many instances where the result made no sense. Then the second issue was the tone. The tool I used offered tone like funny, professional and rude. I don't understand who would use rude but I played with it anyway. Nothing sounded like the tone. I barely saw any difference. 

And the last issue that feels like a serious one was the never ending editing I found myself doing. I wanted to get the best tagline possible so nothing sounded good enough to me. Spending 45 minutes on a tagline using an AI tool seems like too much time to me. 

But in general, the more I use the tool, the better the results I get. This AI toddler is growing on me.