Brain Stopped. Now what?

There may seem like times when your brain just stops. It's got no ideas. There are no fresh connections hanging off the idea tree. 

"But wait. It's a brain, can't I push some buttons or apply some thinking pressure to get this thing started?" you ask.

Funny you should ask.

The trick to getting your brain to work seems simple. If you bypass the thinking part of your brain and poke the sub-conscious memories, you may spark the neurons to life and voilà you'll have fresh idea-fruit to harvest.

Right before I started to write this, I felt brain stopped. It's not painful or tired. It seemed nothing was coming to mind. Writers block a little. But, of course, I know how to poke.

A hack I use when something feels hard is telling myself to just use what's within reach.

What was within reach for me was the idea of using what's within reach. I grabbed that idea and wrapped it up in a little context and suddenly, I had something to write about.

If you ever need to make progress on a project, an idea, or something you're writing, just use something within reach. Poke your brain where your skills and habits and patterns live. The neurons that get fired up will give you fresh connections in the present moment. Use those.
