Meditation - I am

Find a nice place where you can sit comfortably in silence for an hour or more. You may choose a moment early in the morning or later at night when you have more time and do not feel pressured to accomplish other tasks immediately after. Take out your mobile phone, switch it off and put it in a separate room. Take a few deep breaths, and observe how you feel. If you need to go to the toilet, feel free to do it. When you are ready, just take a comfortable position, preferably not lying down, to avoid falling asleep, especially if you are tired after a day of work. Once you are comfortable, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, slowly inhaling and exhaling.

Listen to the sound of your breath. Expand your awareness to include the other sounds you may hear while breathing deeply, inhaling, and exhaling. Acknowledge that you are a living being. You are alive. You are the life itself. "You are."

Hold this thought in your mind for a moment, and say it so you can hear it: "I am." This is the fascinating truth. You are. Before any other question, just acknowledge the fact "I am."

You may have other questions arise, like why am I here, what am I, and what is this thing called reality in which I find myself right now? Do not linger for long on these; your answers should be short. Only relish in your embodied existence. Say it again; "I am." Feel the weight of your body, the blood flowing through your veins, the temperature of the air you breathe while holding in your mind the thought, "I am." You may notice that your mind becomes calm while you inquire into the "I am" thought. You need not do anything else, just continue to feel this sensation of peace and calm and let it slowly spread throughout your body.

Continue to hold the thought "I am" in your mind, but do not repeat it mechanically. Understand what it means, not at the surface. Go deep instead, do not be content with an answer you may know from one person or another. Think of it for yourself. Keep inquiring about what it means for you... "I am" and then ask, "Who Am I"?

Hold the "Who am I?" and acknowledge that You are. Seeking the answer to this question will point you to the source, the all-encompassing, potent source of being. To God, the source of life and the flow of all things.