Jazz Hands

as reply to that sound...

Jazz heard the back door break. She heard the wood splinter, and the sound of saliva-drenched growling entering the hall between the door and the main room of the bar. She heard the heavy footfalls of the thing as it stumbled through the narrow passage, its arms scraping against the wood-paneled walls, ripping off pieces at random. She heard a gunshot, then the footsteps grow faster and louder. 

Then she was at the back of the room, standing perpendicular to the hallway, head turned, taking in the beast. Its grey flesh and disfigured face dominated the visual input available. Its head seemed to cock to one side, then it raised one arm as well as it could within the confined space, large claws catching what little light showed through from the street lights out front. 

Then she was extending her arms to her side, hands forming a flat surface, and a bright light shot from her palms towards the creature, shooting through its body and out through the hole where the back door used to be. Pieces of its body began to explode outward, starting from the beam, grey flesh mixed with blood flew through the air, painting the hallway. Within a second, very little remained, and the blade of energy extending from her hands disappeared.
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