Very Alone

as reply to what money is

When Steve dreamt he couldn't talk. He seemed to move around his dreams and just observe and feel. A lot of the time his dreams were happy, but it wasn't about anything. He would wake the next morning, and feel good. This morning would be different, because Steve was having a bad dream. He felt first trapped, then cold, then he saw space and the earth. When he woke up he felt like something bad would happen, which it never did. In all reality the news Lindsay told him was great and solved most of all of his problems. But it also gave him new ones. He felt like most of life was dealing with problems. Now all of sudden he didn't have any, and he smiled, and they yelled and jumped up and down. Steven was then suspicious. What if he takes it away? What if he wants something? Lindsay shrugged with this money Steve we can deal with anything. What do you want? Anything! New computer, new rug, new anything. Steven felt then like something had shifted. Like Lindsay didn't understand him, and that she would never understand him again. He felt very alone. She hugged him.