There's actually no fame going on here, but a countdown timer set to 15 is ticking away on my left. founder Marie Ng has created a tool that's super friendly - and only going to get better ( but it's already really good. )
Llamalife is a web app that allows you to create tasks and set a countdown timer. It's useful for limiting the amount of time you spend on a project to avoid burnout.
I'm going to request a feature that has a count-up timer rather than down. The up feature will allow me to start to gauge how long an entry here on Adagia is taking. Though it's a web app, it's not intrusive.
There's a 14-day, no-credit-card trial and if you do invest in the Llama and Marie, I have a request. Get the $9 USD ( time of this writing ) and we can be Llama buddies. It supports a maker and will give you ideas for how software can work when a person puts their mind into focus mode.
I'll be taking inspiration from Marie and her work as I push into making tools I want to monetize. The fine details are what make software fun to use. Little things like keyboard shortcuts and thoughtful uses of emoji dial up the happiness quotient. A lot of love has gone into this product. If you do pull the trigger, take a screenshot of the confirmation message and tweet it thanking @threehourcoffee for making and @brianball for suggesting. :-)
Llamalife is a web app that allows you to create tasks and set a countdown timer. It's useful for limiting the amount of time you spend on a project to avoid burnout.
I'm going to request a feature that has a count-up timer rather than down. The up feature will allow me to start to gauge how long an entry here on Adagia is taking. Though it's a web app, it's not intrusive.
There's a 14-day, no-credit-card trial and if you do invest in the Llama and Marie, I have a request. Get the $9 USD ( time of this writing ) and we can be Llama buddies. It supports a maker and will give you ideas for how software can work when a person puts their mind into focus mode.
I'll be taking inspiration from Marie and her work as I push into making tools I want to monetize. The fine details are what make software fun to use. Little things like keyboard shortcuts and thoughtful uses of emoji dial up the happiness quotient. A lot of love has gone into this product. If you do pull the trigger, take a screenshot of the confirmation message and tweet it thanking @threehourcoffee for making and @brianball for suggesting. :-)