Shawn got up early. Earlier than most people. He knew this because no one was outside when he went on his morning cycle. In the winter after his shower it was just sunrise when he drank his coffee. In the summer the sun started with him during his cycle.
He took a long shower. Then got dressed. Everything was in preparation for the day. For work rather. He had to be calm and collected, he had to be ready and responsive. He had to appear happy, but in control. Every decision he made made or lost money. That was people's jobs he would tell himself he had to stay sharp, but also forgiving because he still had to come home at the end of the day and sleep.
Sleep was important, thats why he had rules. No one spent the night. No drinking, unless it's the expensive stuff, and no talking about the past. He didn't want to know their's and he didn't want to tell anyone his.
After all this he would go to work, but everyday he would stop in the same
.He had his glass travel mug made special for his drink.
"Double piccolo please, How are you Nick? Beautiful day we're having!"