As good as any

as reply to night

Max grunted in agreement. Putting a hat over his eyes, he tilted his seat back. He drifted off a little then came too. Not enough for Dave to notice. Dave had turned on the radio, a talk show about nothing. He laughed a little with the guys. They were talking about nothing, a prank one of them pulled, a story that went on for too long. The way Dave was listening was like they were in the car too, like they were his bestfriends. Max never listened to stuff like this, it made him sleepy. If he was going to hustle he had to listen to hard music. It kind of made him embarrassed like he was seeing something reserved just for Dave. Him coping with being alone in the world. 

He was worried about Dave. 

He drifted again of to sleep, this time being awoken by a bump in the road. 

The sky was lighter now. But still dark.

Dave noticed. 

"There he is, you ready to take over buddy?" He was more excited than Max had seen him before. It scared Max a bit. 

"Yeah man, but could we stop? I gotta piss, and we should get gas."

"What? Its not at E yet!"

"Yeah man, but your not supposed to let it get so low."

It was Dave's car, but he didn't argue about this, he thought about it. Shrugged I guess it makes sense. They were silent for a bit. Then he put on his blinker, this exit's as good as any.