Eggs 6 ways

as reply to driving to the three kings hotel (2nd attempt)

Dave eyed the menu licking his lips. He was how is old friend and him used to say, parched. He felt his mouth drying, and he looked at the table, maybe at the worst case scenario he could drink the ketchup. Or no... the half and half. That might go down real smooth, as he was reaching to the small cup wrapped in aluminum foil, the waitress came over. What can I get ya? Dave felt like she knew what he was doing, so he seemed ashamed. Just water please. Dave said then immediately shut up staring down at the menu. Okay, she looked down at him or Dave could feel it. She was chewing gum, quietly but Dave could tell. Okay I'll be right back for the food order. Dave thought the jig was up, like she'd caught on, and no was going to tell her boss. He felt the joint in his pocket, maybe she saw it. She came back with a red cup full of ice water. Dave hadn't seen something so beautiful, and immediately gulped down half of it. He started to trust the waitress again. He looked lazily around just a table of old people, a couple in another booth. They had milkshakes. He looked down at the menu. Eggs six ways, woah Dave thought, I don't think Lenny will mind me experiencing this without him.