Forgot it

as reply to en route

As Marc drove he started to feel his eyes droop. He was tired, pretty soon the allure of the lights of a Marriott lured him in. A hotel fancy he thought. Do they accept cash was his next thought. The tiredness made him forget who he was. He woke up a bit more. He had to think, he could spend the night in the car, maybe, but if he was found they could ask for his id just as well. He needed a motel. A place you could buy rooms for cash. If he was asleep in his car in the parking lot? No he thought. No it’s too risky. He settled his thoughts fuck he thought. Fuck he said out loud he pounded the steering wheel. 

His window was open. A teenager was outside smoking he noticed the man yelling then he was interested. 

You good man? 

What, oh yeah, of course just tired.

Well you’re almost home. 

Marc laughed. Yeah man. Almost.

Marc thought about driving away but something about this kid smoking made him want to ask.

Can I stay here for the night? I got cash.

Sure man, I mean it’s a hotel, one sec let me finish this. One sec. Then we can talk inside. 

Marc will try it he thought, and if he asks he can just go. Say he forgot it. 

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