
as reply to shriek

When Stan came too. The light was even brighter. A slow beep was coming towards his left. To his right was a white thing. His eyes blurred now came into focus, just a tray with a plastic cup and a straw. 

He tried to speak but no sounds came out. What the fuck is going on he thought. 

"I think he's awake!" Derek voice could be heard suddenly a woman and a man in a white coat ran in. Removing the tube in his mouth. 

With that he was free to speak. 

"What the fuck happened man, who was that?"

"Who? More like what happened to you, too many shots I guess"

Stan felt his head, barely anything. 

"Was I attacked though, the guy in the bathroom, I mean did I have my wallet those people always steal shit."

"Yeah, I think so, here you go."

Derek handed him his pants, and in the back pocket as usual his wallet could be found. 5 dollars. The same he had since two days ago. 

"What the fuck, its here everything is here."

Stan pulled the sheets up looking for his dick. 

He repeated "What the fuck, its here everything is here."

"Man where would it be? "

"Dude there was this guy. I swear...."

His voice trailed off while he looked at his clothes. No marks. Nothing. 
He felt strange, suddenly sick.

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