
One thing I realized when I finally converted Becoming Abe's project-type from a collection to a memoir was how absurd it is have a single all encompassing memoir series. I realized this only when confronted with the UI that asked my target length. The highest allowed was 12K words. 

My initial reaction to this was a custom target length feature. Writers should be able to write a 200K word memoir if they want. But then I had a different idea -- for me as writer more than a developer looking for new features to implement.

Why would I write my life into one giant memoir? That's like having one giant app.language file that contains the entire app in it! In a software application I want a Models directory. I want a Controllers directory. I want to seperate out my views! 

If I'm putting a lot of my life into writing then I want to compartmentalize that too. 

For a while now I've been seeing some stark similarities between large writing projects and software.

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