You too Barry

as reply to love gets a job

What are you doing for Christmas Love?

The regular who always orders just a ham sandwich and a plain coffee said. 

Nothing I don't think, just the regular day off, might go to the lake, toss a few lines in you know. 

The guy shifted around looked down, maybe he didn't know. 

You don't got any family?

No not here, too far away. 

Oh where they located?

West coast East coast, you know just far. 

I am beginning to think of you as a secret agent.

He winked at Marc. 

Love doesn't reveal any of his secrets. 


Say when does the holiday discounts start. 

As soon as the day turns to the 26th of December. 

I'll make sure to put it in my calendar. 

What about you? There was no one in the store. 

Me, you know just got the wife and the kids might come home so that will be nice. 

We got a big turkey actually. 

You know that turkey instead of tickets thing the sheriff was doing?

Yeah we won one of those. 

Thats nice, thats great, how big. 

A 14 pounder so not ginormous but pretty big. 

He shifted around his weight again.

Anyways, I'll see you Marc.

Yeah you too Barry.
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