Make That

as reply to sweat in the kitchen

There was a lull. He poured the beer himself. The sound of it filling up the glass calmed him. He filled it halfway then drank that down. Filled it a bit more no one was looking and took another few gulps. Then while looking back he took another sip before finally filling it to the brim. 

Then he looked around the room.

“Just some loners” he thought. 

He took a small sip of the ice cold lager he felt like he was coming back to life. He checked his phone a few texts. 

“Fuck, it’s at one” he thought. and then his phone shut down. 

He kept it open looking down at it. Then he looked around. 

“Fuck” he said under his breathe. Took another gulp he tapped his feet. 

He looked at each table. 

Another guy got up from a table behind a laptop. He stretched then brought his glass up to the bar. And waited. 

“You good dude?” 

“Yep yeah. Just waiting for the bartender.”

“No worries man I got you.”

He then went behind the bar and refilled the beer for Joey. 

“Here you go.”

“Oh you the new bartender, like new shift?” Joey asked.

“No, no I should go back, im the chef.”

Joey looked surprised then tried to hide it.

“That was amazing! Where’d you learn to make that?”

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