Doug #+1? - the incompetent detective zoomer

as reply to Doug #? - What could it mean

The detective coughed. Charlie's mother didn't know what to say. Waited for him to continue. But he looked at her blankly before coughing again. The coughs were so theatrical that it was obvious that he didn't have a irritated throat.

Finally the detective spoke, "could you... Look it's been a long time since I looked at this case. I was hoping if you could refresh me on Chad's case."


"Sorry I mean Charlie's case. Yeah that's right." he looked at her blankly. He looked uncomfortable. It made her uncomforatable. "I'm really sorry for what happened. We're going to do our best to get to the bottom of this."

Charlie's mother had originally been upset that the police weren't pouring enough resources into her son's case. Now she was afraid that the police were incompetent. At least the detective that had shown up at her door that morning was.

She told him the details. The same details she had told him a few months back when he had visited with his partner then. That partner wasn't here this time. She wondered what happened to them.

After she was finished the detective straightened up and cleared his throat. "So you're saying that your son Charlie probably didn't take his own life. That there was foul play?"

She nodded.  Had to make sure her mouth wasn't gaping. She couldn't believe this man. He didn't even talk like a proper detective. Who the hell said 'probably'? He was talking like some 
. Like those fucking kids.

She had to remain calm. He'd be gone soon. And later Jen Butters was coming over for lunch. Charlie's mother could tell her all about this.