“Yeah of course it’s like pretty crazy, it’s hard to believe, but yeah I mean it’s still going it’s like a tourist attraction now, people travel from all over to go to the dumpster.”
“You think it was real?”
“Me uhh not really a religious man.” He sad looking around.
There was a guy about 22 interviewing an older guy probably about forty but maybe more. The sun had worn his skin down.
“But do you think it happened?”
“I mean maybe, I uh wasn’t there. It’s a bit weird everyone took the kids side. There’s still the bit about the missing gun and stuff.”
“Cops have hid more.”
“But the drowning man I can’t understand. Like that’s not really BAKA like.” The man said.
With this he looked at the camera. People usually didn’t say his name out loud. Not in that city at least.
“Thanks for giving us your time. We appreciate it.”
“Sure.” The man said.
He looked back at the seaside rest, and paused. An awkward amount it seemed like he had something to say. But instead just walked away.