Jeannie was talented. And incredibly beautiful. When such beauty is paired with even a modicum of talent the halo effect swindles you into hyperbolizing all non tangible assets about them. But no matter how much of that fallacy I was victim to, from an objective stance
Jeannie Hammond
just really was more talented than the rest of her cohort.
i say incredibly beautiful because that's what she was. You work around enough fresh out of college girls and you know what hot is. You're surrounded by bodies of flesh you want to ravenously consume. But with Jeannie I never felt that way. When I spoke of her to Jamie once he laughed at me.
"How is that different than hot? She sounds fucking hot to me."
"It's different. I never thought about her in the way I think about all the other girls."
"Like you don't want to fuck her?"
"No I don't mean--"
"So you do want to fuck--"
"I wouldn't use that word. But yeah that would be nice. But that's not what occupies my mind with her. With the average college grad at
Balloon House
when I talk to them or think about them I imagine us having like a scene in porn. I think about flesh that's all I'm imagining. With Jeannie I think about..."
Jamie was waiting for my response with a sardonic glee.