Writing performance appraisals

One of the things you learn when you take on a management role is how to write a performance appraisal. If you're lucky, someone mentors you, or you get trained on how to do it. I somehow figured it out on my own. I used my own performance appraisals and learned along the way when I started writing appraisals for my direct reports.

There was a time when I had to provide all the appraisals to the HR Department to be vetted for proper language and make sure there was nothing that would open the company up to a lawsuit. That was years ago, and thankfully, I have not had to deal with HR in many years (other than recruiters). 

The easiest performance appraisals to write are the ones for A players. There's always room for improvement no matter how good you are, but It's much more challenging to write an appraisal for someone with subpar performance. 

Today, I completed a performance appraisal for someone on my team at one client. Officially, it was "written" and will be delivered by the director. Since I am a contractor and there is a union involved, I can't directly be directly responsible for this particular function.