Finite moments

Your relationships are made of finite moments. 

Your health span is made of finite moments. 

Your ability to travel is made of finite moments. 

Your ability to put in a full day’s effort into the things you care about is made of finite moments. 
Everything in this life — including life itself — is made up of finite moments. 

The idea that all these things are finite — that they will all come to an end — is both a dire truth and effective alarm system to get you to wake up and make the most of your time instead of taking it for granted. 

If you’re reading this, it means you still have moments available to you. Use them wisely: 
Say what needs to be said. 

Tell others you love them. 

Do the work you care about. 

Embrace — literally and figuratively — all that is close to your heart. 

Do this with urgency, as if there were no moment to spare, because one day you will no longer be able to do any of these things.