I’m back reading

I’ve got my reading vibes back.

Completed a book this week. In less than 24 hours actually.


That book was the most vulnerable account I’ve ever read. It made me appreciate honest accounts, vulnerable stories. I was like I want to write like that. I started with my post yesterday, I hope to do more. 

I’m now reading Seth Godin - The Practice. I love the book. Short chapters. So far, all Seth is trying to do separate the craft from the outcome. And how the craftsman should be careful in knowing which to commit to which is The Practice. I love the book. 

Last month, I saw a lot of movies. This week, I’ve being unsuccessful in completing the same movie in three attempts. 

I hope this reading momentum continues for a long time. 
Well done Seun. You are on fire huh??

Keep going. 
2021-08-14 03:44:21

Shay Hun's Blog