Sleep Experiment

I have done a few experiments to try and improve my quality of sleep. 

I have come to realize that I am a night person when it comes to creativity. I find that my mind has the most interesting ideas at night. I am not convinced that I am useless in the mornings but I am still trying to figure out how to get the most out of my creative side. 

The most recent thing I tried to improve my sleep is using a weighted blanket. I had heard about that back when I was active on kickstarter. I saw a company advertise about the benefits of weighted blankets for a variety of problems. I found the concept interesting and decided to research some more. That led me to Amazon which already had many options available for much less than the kickstarter was charging. But I ended up losing interest and didn't buy it. 

A week ago I remembered the blankets for some reason. I went to Amazon and searched to see if the prices had come down since the last time. 
It had. 
There were many people in the market selling a variety of them. 
I had trouble selecting one over the other. There was very little difference besides the price. So I bought one from a new buyer that had a reasonable price. 

The box arrived 2 days ago. And it was heavy. I know for a fact that Amazon will charge the seller a lot for something this heavy. So I believe I probably got it at their cost price. 

I got a 20 pound blanket so it was difficult even to arrange my bed. 
But when I went to sleep, it felt heavenly. I loved the feeling and found that I slept very well. The same thing happened on day 2 and I felt great when I woke up both days.

I am sold on the idea.  
I was thinking about getting one too recently, but I wonder how they work throughout the night? It feels like many are advertising that they stay mostly at the same place.
2021-09-28 13:58:43
I usually don't move much when I sleep so it doesn't move for me. It actually is very heavy to move about so you will need to find a comfortable position quickly. 
2021-09-30 00:58:17