
Today I had a deep long conversation with a girlfriend about the impact of strong family around. I in particular, have always known that I NEED my family. This past year has solidified for me just how much the presence of family is essentials in both the good and the bad times. 

In particular, the presence of a father's love and presence has a big impact on daughters. I have come to realize and appreciate that my feminist side emerged from having a strong bond with my father. He has always encouraged me to push myself to do ANYTHING I want to. There have been few instances where I have believed that I can't do anything largely due to the constant ego boost I have received. 

As I get older, I have to realize that it is a privilege that not everyone gets. For many, the self esteem boost has to be a deliberate self driven task that could arise from bad experiences. 

Having a solid support system is one of the basic and initial instance of luck that can give anyone an unfair advantage. I am just recognizing the extent of my advantage. 
