Down memory lane

This afternoon, I found myself looking at some videos I worked on more than 6 years ago.

It was one of the first things I attempted to do to create passive income.

First step, I read books and took a few Udemy courses to understand what to do. There were many suggestions. One of the ones that got my attention was making YouTube videos out of already existing content that don't have any copyright issues. If I remember correctly, Youtube used to provide a large library of content to choice from. If you have the skills, time and interest to edit that material and make it available on as a new video, you can make money from it.

So being a music and dance fanatic, those were the videos I selected to work on. I was staying up for hours on end and editing content. After a week of almost no sleep and a bunch of videos, I checked on how much I was earning. If I recall correctly, I made a whopping 0.96 cents.

That magical number caused me to bring this project to a complete halt.

I kept my videos out there and just went back to see the stats.

I have 62 subscribers. (With zero new content since that week)
Some of my videos have likes and comments.
One has 28,000 views.

If anyone is curious here is the LINK.

What an interesting journey the last 6 years have been. 
Keni as a YouTuber!!!!

I actually do love this song -


You've got range Keni. One day, someday, Our call will happen and several hundreds of calls will
2021-11-01 22:50:34
Thank you Seun. That was hustle #1 .... a long time ago. Everything I have done to hustle started with this. The thing you call range. :) 
Our call will happen!! 
2021-11-02 19:52:04