Book Club - part 2

I attended my first big book club this morning. 

I wasn't sure what to expect but since I am a fan of books and I like discussing goals - I felt ok. 

The meeting started on time and I introduced myself. I was told about what the group's history and what they do. I felt like it was super organized. The goal and structure of the meeting was set and clear. 

The meeting was via zoom and there was a host who guided the meeting. 
The ladies discussed the book we read for October. What I enjoyed in particular was the diverse set of opinions about the same book. I appreciate hearing differing views and insights. What I found interesting was that everyone was asked if they got anything from the book that they could apply in their life. Just knowing that you will need to answer that question - will make you read more intentionally. 

After we were done discussing the book and selecting the book for next month, we went on to the second half of the segment. Discussing goals. Everyone shares what they intend to do before the next month and also share if they accomplished what they were looking to do the previous month. 

Since this club has been around for 2 years now, and they have a great group of people who are reading diverse books, discussing what they read and keeping each other accountable, a lot of the people there have done great things in their lives already. One of the most exciting one is that the main person who was heading the meeting just finished writing her book. 

Being around people like that is great. I hope to get motivated and encouraged by them.