The world probably isn't ending

Next time you feel your emotional state ramping up in response to a stressful or challenging situation:

  1. Acknowledge and accept your current state — you’re human. 
  2. Ask yourself: “Will life go on? Will I be okay? Can I find a way forward”

In the vast majority of instances, the answer is yes, yes, and yes. 

Given enough time, most Big Stuff reduces to Small Stuff. (See: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff)

Take heart in knowing this and do your best to adjust your response accordingly.

Good times and bad times are par for any course. 

You cannot control all circumstances; you can learn to modulate your response in a way that allows you to 1) achieve an equanimous state of mind in even the most challenging of circumstances and 2) potentiate the best possible outcome. 

Related reading: 

  1. The world probably isn't on fire