The matrix is real.

I'm patiently waiting for Matrix Resurrections. I love Matrix; I've watched them all. I might read the books too. Here's the thing, we live in the Matrix. Our observable universe is the Matrix. Beyond that is boundless space with no time. We enter the Matrix when we are born, and we exit when we die. We may even have a chance to escape somewhere along the way, but that's not a given. The premises it operates on are self-determined—pleasure, pain, sexuality, purpose, and desire. Not entirely bound by time. Maybe it's just about time for an upgrade, a new configuration of mind that will penetrate the subtleties of this Matrix. I am NEO. 

Some people take their minds to be theirs, as something they can possess, control, and know entirely in and out, within its depth. These same people are confident and ready to punish, criticize, or give advice. Their ego gets triggered very easy too. Say a wrong thing, and they get up in flames, with arrogance and vengeance. In what mind-space did they position their identity?
 Somewhere in their minds i guess. The mind is vast and not entirely ours. Culture determines attitudes and motivations for most people. Literature, movies, art, and music enchant our senses and impregnate our minds with ideas, stereotypes, or archetypes that frame our perception of external and internal reality. But it goes further than that, we're embedded within a matrix of knowledge, and we have input and output every day. Our lives touch the lives of others through our art. This gives me hope and makes me aspire to something greater than me.